Self-worth has always been a struggle of mine. I have always looked to people or things for my identity. It took a hardship in my life for me to turn back to God and look to him for my self-worth. As I started to look to him, I realized that I am Worthy, I am Forgiven, and I was Created for a purpose. Our purpose is to help others and to tell them about Jesus.

My name is Susie Welch and I am the creator of this brand with the help of my husband, Dustin Welch. As a little girl, I was always passionate about telling others about Jesus, but as the years went on and life had so many challenges, I found myself straying away from my passion. Over the recent years I have felt God tugging at my heart to take a step and fulfill my purpose, but it took hitting rock bottom before I actually took the step. I had so many health issues and also my relationship was struggling but by Gods grace I was able to overcome. I know God has called me to share his love and encourage people. I understand it's not always easy to just walk up to people and share God's love so, I prayed a lot about what I could do to fulfill my purpose and one day as I was praying God showed me a vision of this brand. He also showed me a warehouse filled with shirts and apparel representing him(God). I have made t-shirts before but never a christian brand. I was so excited when God gave me the vision to create this brand and even more when I told my husband about it and he was on board! So, here we are today making a brand that will help encourage and start conversations in hopes of changing peoples lives and spreading the gospel. I am truly a big believer in representing the kingdom and being kingdom ambassadors. With that being said, I am so excited to make high quality apparel that will change millions of peoples lives. I am very thankful for everyone that supports us as we build this brand. I am also grateful to all of our customers who have the same goals, which is to know their identity and to be a light in this dark world.

Our family is what gets us up to do what we do and is our greatest blessing.

We are so blessed to be a blended family and together we have 5 beautiful children.